E-Commerce Fashion Bedding Company Needed

Reverse Logistics Solutions


Discover how a leading e-commerce bedding company overcame space constraints and improved efficiency through an optimized reverse logistics solution, reducing costs and enhancing operational performance.


California Design Den (CDD), an e-commerce bedding company, faced space constraints with their current provider, leading to increased waste and delays in restocking, impacting production and revenue. To offset their monthly revenue losses that kept growing, CDD looked to Acción Performance for optimized Reverse Logistics support.


Our Reverse Logistics solution enabled California Design Den to outsource their project to our warehouse, freeing up space for full production capacity. We also provided customized spending insights for better budget management.

To ensure their bedding product is continually on track, we established quality check protocols for packaging and disposal of product, helping lower unwanted waste. We also developed additional SKUs and product lines to help organize their product more efficiently, which helped fulfillment for their ‘open-box’ bundles.


Optimized Reverse Logistics Support Results Metrics

The implementation of our tailored reverse logistics solution yielded impressive outcomes for California Design Den.

  • The Acción team successfully reduced the cost of returned goods by over 30% in first 6 months.
  • Our efficiencies increased CDD’s Recovered percentage up above 20%
  • By utilizing an experienced team for training, unwanted errors and processes were avoided, which allowed the client to shift focus back on greater projects, such as their open-box bundles.

Learn more about our services and how we create custom supply chain solutions by clicking here or contact us now for a quote.


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